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Holmes Family Newsletter Vol 8 No 1

by bill - 1997-02-21 12:08:40 ( in family, holmes, newsletter) [php version] rebuild

Once in a Blue Moon

Vol. 8 No. 1, February 1997

A lot has happened since our last newsletter, so let's just jump right in with the "news"...

Mike and Evelyn get married

Almost two years ago now (June 21, 1995, actually), Mike married his longtime friend, Evelyn. Only a select few of the newsletter staff were invited: Lionel ("PopPop"), Eleanor, Grandma and Lucy ("Mom"). It was so long ago, we've forgotten all the details, but they all said it was great.

Mike and Evelyn live in Stockton, CA, now. In case you want to send them gifts, which Mike says are always welcome, their address is Stockton, CA.

Doug and Jana get married

The wedding ceremony was held July 20, 1996, in Bratislava, Slovakia. It was the same church that the bride, Jana Cupkova's, parents and several kings and queens have been married and/or crowned in. Doug and Jana chose the site in preparation for their inevitably being named King and Queen of Slovakia. Officially, they tied the knot in Tahoe earlier last year. Bill was the only newsletter staff member in attendance. Somebody had to report on it! Besides, he was the Best Man, so he pretty much had to be there. The U.S. reception was held at the groom's parents', Lionel and Eleanor's, house in Sacramento. As requested, after his "performance" at the Bratislava reception, Bill did not attend the U.S. reception.

Lucy visits Nashville

Last summer, on her way to North Carolina to judge a Schutzhund dog trial (or something), Lucy made a stopover in Nashville. Ostensibly, the stopover was to visit Don, Diane, Bill, and her friend Sherry (however she spells it) in Shelbyville (pronounced "shovel" by the locals). The real reason for Lucy's visit, of course, was to visit the Grand Ol' Opry and pay homage to the legends of country music.

Bill Buys Condo

Tired of throwing away money on rent, Bill took the plunge and actually bought a house (actually a condo/ townhouse). Several friends helped with the move. A week later, a housewarming party was thrown. Hardly anyone showed up, but it was still a party, and the best people showed up!

His new address and phone number are: Nashville TN 37211, (615) x-x.

Bill Gets Cat

Don and Diane found a stray cat and took him in. Their resident cats weren't happy about it, though, and Don and Diane were threatening to give him to the animal shelter. They were probably lying, just to get Bill to take the cat himself. Bill wasn't happy about it, either; but, always a sucker for the old "unwanted cat" story, Bill fell for it.

It's a male orange tabby (gotta love the hair color, anyway) with orange eyes. After days of agonizing over it, Bill decided to name him Myca, which is short for "my cat."

Bill to Host Christmas '97

Since he's a homeowner now, Bill -- on Mike's suggestion -- has decided to host Christmas in Tennessee this year. There, you have ample advance notice, so make your plans now!

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